About Us
الرئيسية » About Us
Dar Ghad Al-Ajyal For publishing & Distributing

Dar Ghad Al Ajyal is a Jordanian publishing house founded on 01/01/2018, based on the vision of its founders, their constant endeavor to raise modern and developed generations with new ideas, aspirations and constructive visions capable of promoting their society.


Bearing in mind these principals, we have been always keen for innovation, through the use of modern scientific techniques and teaching aids.  Dar Ghad Al Ajyal has a strong belief that book is an educational tool of teaching children, preparing them, and opening new horizons for future. Dar Ghad Al Ajyal has spared no effort to tracking technologies, providing children with easy access to updated information, in a good communication channels, mingled with pleasure, imagination and good comprehension.


Dar Ghad Al Ajyal Publishing House has published several series containing many books on kindergarten and primary school in cooperation with top-notch writers and experts in this age group, both in Arabic and English languages. Since its establishment, Dar Ghad Al Ajyal Publishing House has been doing its utmost to complete its cultural role in providing children's library with the best educational books.

Dar Ghad Al Ajyal Publishing House has achieved fast-paced success and became a strategic partner to our clients both inside and outside the Kingdom.

Offering students with best books, and most beautiful solutions, are our pride. In this process Dar Ghad Al Ajyal Publishing House takes into consideration all standards recognized in the field, starting from distinguished articles, through catchy and unique designs, ending up to children’s educational and psychological aspects.


Director General's speech

In the name of Allah the Merciful.

Praise be to Allah, Who by His grace, good deeds are accomplished, and by His guidance, wishes and targets are attained. Prayers and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, his Kinsfolk and Companions.


It goes without saying that school book is an educational tool that helps children learn, create their abilities, develop their talents, and impart them to different skills and valuable information in various arenas. It is my pleasure to provide you with this great achievement to inspire a new generation, clever with technology, active learning and use them to serve the community and keep abreast of scientific progress.

Since establishment, we have taken upon ourselves the responsibility of presenting the curricula to our children at schools in distinctive, easy and accessible paths, coping with recent changes and traditions of our society. Our books are composed by authors and specialists who are able to choose effective material to develop characteristics of children. Dar Ghad Al Ajyal Publishing House has produced several series containing several books on kindergarten and primary school in both Arabic and English. Since its establishment, Dar Ghad Al Ajyal Publishing House has been doing its utmost efforts to provide the best of its educational, community and cultural role. Thanks to Allah and His Majesty, the House is moving rapidly towards success, achieving part of what we aspire to, and we still have a lot to offer to our children.

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